Emily and I went on an excursion to find a public library in our neighborhood. We found the library, but it was closed and would open in another 30 minutes.
We decided to go to a hair salon and get Emily's hair trimmed while we waited for the library to open.
Just getting warmed up. |
The fun begins. |
Before |
After |
(I had to call Jay to bring me some euros as I didn't have enough. It was 16 euros and I had 10. He rode his bike to the salon. He is my knight in shining armor :o)
Back to the library we went. We walked up 2 flights of stairs and couldn't figure out how to open the entrance door. It turns out that in order to enter and exit you have to push this large rectangle near the door. This automatically opens the door. It was kind of embarrassing when we tried to leave the library. We didn't know there was a secret rectangle on both sides.
The library is very small and the English section - even smaller. The English section is made of two small shelves that are as tall as me (maybe a pinch taller) and as wide as Emily. One shelf is full of novels for adults and the other shelf is full of a variety of books for children. It was comical to see what was on the "children" bookshelf. They had a Bill Bryson travel book on America - hah! hah! hah! I am so easily entertained :o)
The librarian was so nice! She spoke enough English that we could communicate - yeah! She gave me a pamphlet (in English) with directions on how to get a library card. We just need to fill out the application form. Here is a sampling of what is in the information packet: "To register, please present either your personal identity card or your passport along with your 'Meldebescheinigung', an official document with your current German address issued by the 'Einwohnermeldeamt' (Registration Department)." A what???? where??? Wow. You should try to pronounce those words!
The librarian also gave me a book. I think they were going to either sell it (they have a section of old books they sell for cheap) or throw it away. Maybe it will help me learn a little German.
The book |
Sample page 1 |
Sample page 2 |
Emily is tickled pink to have discovered a library and to know that there are other branches with bigger English sections - woo hoo! We just have to find our Meldebescheinigung at the Einwohnermeldeamt! Wish us luck.
We stopped by a Spargel Stand on our way home. You should see what we got - YUM!!!
This Spargel Stand is right across from our apartment. |
Here is the bounty and we ate it ALL at lunch :o) |
I love your hair!