Friday, October 2, 2015

Station Break to the Kletterwald

On August 6, Emily and Ivan and some friends went to the Kletterwald.  It is a climbing obstacle course hanging from the treetops (basically).  They thought it would be a fun thing to do before school started.

Have a look and see if you think hanging from tree tops would be a fun activity.  If you think it would be fun, then come to Frankfurt and we'll take you there!

Here is our crew.

Getting some instructions before beginning.

all systems go....

a little "test" course doesn't hurt....

It is the real deal.

Emily glides along effortlessly.

Ivan is right behind her. 
Skateboarding in mid-air.


There are several courses to choose from.

These courses are challenging, but anyone can try them.

There are two or three courses that only experts can go on.

If you are really lucky, the spider won't be hungry!

and you can cross in the nick-of-time...

Whew! I think she made it!

Ivan's making his way across the web.

Emily travels on to the next item of business.

She is walking the wooden plank

Ivan has made it to the other side of the web.

Hint - don't save this for last....

You will need fresh strength to make it across this...

and she makes it...

Eat your heart out Superman!

I can fly, too!!

All the way to the next tree, that is.

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