Friday, November 22, 2013

Thrift Store Shopping in Frankfurt

The kids had Thursday and Friday off from school (Fall Break #2).  Jay took these days off work so we could go shopping.  We hit 4 stores in two days.  Did I mention they were thrift stores?  We didn't have a ton of luck (no nice European second-hand clothes), but boy it was interesting to explore what was there.

These pictures are from the thrift stores next to the Harley Davidson Factory (yes, you read that right...Harley Davidson Factory.)

Entry into the big thrift store climate control here!!!

Interesting items to be found outside the thrift store, too :o)

Having a look around at all the treasures - kind of looks like the inside of our house!

Found...chess pieces!

wooden sleds and an old spinning wheel

Ummmmm....not sure, but interesting to look at

This is my personal favorite.  A table on wheels with cup holders.  So awesome....but what would I do with it?...seriously!

Keg Man

Old sewing machine...what do you think?  Should I go back and buy it?

Another not-so-old machine

Saying "good-bye" to our friends.

What was purchased?  A stack of old Miles Davis CD's, a stamp collector's book full of stamps from everywhere (and just in time for Ivan to work on the stamp collecting merit badge!) and....drum roll incredible sewing kit!  Wooo hoo!!!  Well, so much for finding clothes and staying warm.

Here is our new sewing kit in all its glory!  Don't you love thrift stores?

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you found some good things! The sewing kit is very cool! Great score for Ivan. I have never heard a Miles Davis song that I am aware of I will have to utube it. Emily did not find a hidden treasure? That is very interesting about the Harley Davidson factory. Thanks for sharing the William's Adventures!
