Friday, January 17, 2014

Night at the Grammys

I have a whole lot of catching up to, I'll begin with Grammy Night for Young Women and Men in our Frankfurt Stake.  All I can say is: "Wow!"  The leaders really outdid themselves with this evening.  They really wanted the youth to feel special and ... I'm sure it worked ;o)

It was a special night for the youth.  The parents and family came as sideline observers while the youth were the "celebrities!"  They were served a wonderful gourmet meal on beautifully decorated tables.  They were served by adults dressed as waiters.

A couple months before this event, each ward's youth group wrote a movie "short" and recorded it.  At the Grammys we got to watch all the movies.  I must say that it was great fun to see what each group came up with.  They got to choose their own themes - you can imagine the variety.

Emily's group wrote a news report that involved various incidences.  Emily acted the role of being interviewed during an investigation of someone stealing a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken (long story, but cute ending).

In case you are wondering, yes, each group won a Grammy!! (or - a plastic look-a-like :o)  Emily's group won for being the best edited.

Without further ado, here are the sparse and perhaps not so great pictures I took of the evening.  Can you believe I didn't get a single picture of Emily?  So disappointing.

The cutest boy at the Grammys!!

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