Welcome to a small sampling of the Williams' art garden. It is basically the stuff hanging on our walls. I'm not sure anybody would particularly want to see what's hanging on our walls. We do have a sort of weird mish-mash of things we've collected in various places over the years.
View at your own risk :o)
This watercolor was done by a Russian artist. |
This is another picture from Russia. At the time I was really taken with it. I just wish I could remember what it says. |
This interesting picture is a paper cut and ink illustration. One of these days I want to talk about this artist and share more of his work on my blog....but not now (sorry). |
Guess who? Jay and I were enjoying a stroll one afternoon in Moscow when Jay asked a street artist to draw me. At the time I was embarrassed by this drawing, but now - about 10 years later - I guess I can tolerate it.
I love your garden. Can't wait for you to share more & tell us about the artist's. I am a fan of eclectic. That painting of you Jo is beautiful but of course it is of you so it would not be anything but beautiful