Saturday, October 12, 2013

Morning Walk

Yesterday on my morning walk with Jet we stumbled on some beautiful walking paths not far from our apartment complex.  The leaves were changing and that made it even more amazing.

It is a good thing I took pictures this morning as I noticed that the yellow leaves were less dense and falling to the ground quickly.  There is an icy chill to the air.  It probably won't be long before Mr. Winter pays Frankfurt a visit and brings snow.

Tonight Jay, me, Emily and Ivan have tickets to go to the State Opera to see The Magic Flute.  We are very excited to go.  It will be the first "real" opera the children have gone to.  Stay tuned for news on that excursion....hopefully it will be good news :o)

The beginning of our walk into the forested area.  The stairs you see to the left go over a bridge that enters into another large park with oodles more walking paths.  We'll go there when Jet gets her winter shoes.  If we walk there her feet and fur get all muddy and gross.

Cute little bridges here and there going over ponds and streams.

The ducks (if you can see them - they're at the edge of the pond) are unusual looking and very loud and noisy!

Here are the ducks again.  They kind of look like a cross between a duck and a goose.

I couldn't resist taking picture of the morning sunlight on the trees.

A closer look at the tower.

Here we are back in our apartment complex heading home.  The stuff you see on the ground are chestnuts.  We have a lot of chestnut trees here (also walnut trees).  There are a few red squirrels that live in these trees and dine on the fruit of these trees.  One of these days I will capture a red-headed squirrel in a photo.  They are very fast and when Jet sees one she about has a heart attack trying to pull off the leash.

The Germans in neighboring apartment complexes come here to collect the yummy chestnuts to roast.

I don't know how anyone can pick chestnuts up.  Those spikes hurt! I've even had stray spikes get stuck in my foot when wearing sandals.  Not smart to wear sandals walking around fallen chestnuts. 

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