It was raining this morning when we left to take Emily to seminary. It is still raining. It rains a lot in Frankfurt. I suppose that is alright because it is green and beautiful here. Another bonus for having lots of rain is - you don't have to water the lawn!
I was looking out the window and took a few pictures of what is our "backyard." We really do live in a beautiful complex. It would be so nice if you could come over for a visit, but, since you can't, I will show you around via photography. Wishing you a beautiful day out of the rain!
Center View - if you look close enough, you will see a few pigeons in the grass. In the summer time (when we arrived) this lawn was literally full of little wild brown rabbits. Now that the weather is turning we don't see so many anymore. You'll have to wait until next summer for a photo of "rabbits in the grass." |
Left View - the path you see leads to the doggie park. We go there at least once a day with Jet. If we are lucky, there will be another dog there that Jet can play with. |
Right View - you can see the BBQ equipment (something to look forward to this summer) and a tall tower in the background - this tower used to have a restaurant at the top, but has since (I don't know for how long) been shut down. Another little side note is that most cities we have visited or driven through seem to have identical towers to this. I'll have to do some research on it. I'm assuming it is a radio tower. |
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