Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

Here is a summary of our Halloween:

1)   pumpkin carving (very fun)
2)   caramel and candy apples (very fun, but dangerous working with hot liquids; we did have one small burn - yikes!)
3)   pizza and grapes (to balance out all the sugar)
4)   costume donning (very creative - and fun)
5)   trick-or-treating (the kids and their friends scavanged for sugary treats in our "American" apartment complex and I handed out candy to other like-minded scavangers.  Some of them German children from nearby to be had by all!)
6)   after trick-or-treating, popcorn and movie (The Adam's Family) 

Overall we had a fun night!  The only flaw in our evening is that you weren't there to share it with us!

Pumpkin carving fun with friends :o)

It's dangerous candy apple time - yay!!

pumpkin mayhem all over the table

Ivan's finished pumpkin.

Ivan is having way too much fun!

Emily and friends from school.

In character....ready to scavange :o)  Note: the mask costume is a homemade piece of art done by the wearer - pretty amazing!

In case you don't watch Dr. Who, that is Emily's costume (just thought I'd share that).

Ivan's costume...he calls it the "creep."  (I call it creepy!!)

more Halloween mayhem....

After the hunt...the spoils of war!

Emily's treasure trove.

lots and lots of piles of candy everywhere

Checking out the American candy.

The serious negotiations begin!

This is the most entertaining part of the evening (for me).

Negotiations over...time to put it all away.

Checking for nuts in the ingredients (nut allergy).

These candy apples are to be reckoned with.

These apples are strange, but tasty.

Ivan's stash

Can you guess which pumpkin Emily carved?

If you guessed the are correct!!!

What's a dalek?

You must be a Dr. Who watcher to of Dr. Who's enemies...a robot-type's the first one in this line-up.

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